Acupuncture Clinic Uithoorn (ACU) can be consulted for the following conditions:
- Pain
- Chronic fatigue and lack of energy
- Stress
- Musculoskeletal problems, including arthritis and pain of neck, shoulder, elbow, back, hips and knee
- Circulatory problems, including high blood pressure
- Respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, hay fever
- Digestive and bowel problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion, nausea and diarrhea
- Migraine
- Emotional problems, including anxiety and panic attacks
- Menstrual problems including period pain and irregular periods
- Skin problems, including acne and eczema
Cosmetic acupuncture:
- Cosmetic facial acupuncture is a natural therapy that helps to slow signs of ageing, reduce wrinkles, and improves skin health and skin conditions